Yacht Filters is a water filtration company, located in the industrial area of Can Valero – Palma
The aim of Yahct Filters is to supply and install the latest technologies in water treatment in a sustainable and efficient way, and offering a personalised service, adapted to your preferences and specific needs.
We offer this service to yachts, individuals, businesses and the hospitality industry.




We offer the highest industry standard water filtration equipment and RO membranes with quality and cost-effective products and can offer a variety of solutions for yachts that require a specific water quality. Yacht Filters can also source and deliver spare parts for your existing equipment from most manufacturers.
Yacht Filters are committed to promoting the environmental benefits of our products, primarily the elimination of unnecessary plastic waste
Installing a water filtration system avoids environmental contamination by the production, distribution and management of plastic bottles; reduces the amount of waste your business generates and will promote sustainable policies among your customers and employees.