RX65259516. Reverse Osmosys system

6 stage reverse osmosis system. Made of NSF and WRAS certified components. System is equipped with post filtration carbon cartridge (AICRO), which improves the taste and aroma of water and AIMRO mineralizing cartridge, which enriches water with elements s

SKU: RX65259516. Category:


6 stage Reverse Osmosis System
6 stage reverse osmosis system. Due to the high membrane quality it is possible to purify up to 280 liters of water per day. Small micron rating 0,0001 µm, allows to remove most contaminants from water including bacteria and viruses. System is equipped with post filtration carbon cartridge (AICRO), which improves the taste and aroma of water and AIMRO mineralizing cartridge, which enriches water with elements such as calcium and magnesium.



RX65259516 System

5 micron Sediment Cartridge: FCPS5 (Stage 1)
GAC Carbon Cartridge: FCCA (Stage 2)
Carbon Block: FCCBL (Stage 3)
RO Membrane: TFC-75F (Stage 4)
Post-carbon cartridge: AICRO (Stage 5)
Mineralizing cartridge: AIMRO (Stage 6)

Faucet FXFCH17-C
Connectors 1/2″ i 3/8″
Other Accessories (tube, tank, etc.)